Are you ready to make a difference in our community and communities around the world?
We use our knowledge of local issues to identify areas of need, then apply our expertise and diverse perspectives to the problem. Our Rotary members are most likely at work in your community right now feeding the hungry, tutoring children, maintaining parks, and more. You can help.
Some of the local projects that we are involved in or responsible for include:
Concord Farmers' Market

Farm Fresh Produce in Concord.
Bring your family, bring your shopping bags and stock up on delicious farm fresh local produce and join in all the fun.
Stalls include: Fresh fruit and vegetables, fresh meats, fresh poultry, honey, olive oils, freshly baked breads & cakes, farm fresh eggs plus much more!
The Concord Farmers Market is managed and operated by the Rotary Club of Concord as a local community project. Our aim is to provide high quality local and regional produce from authentic farm & food supplers where the stalls are manned by the producers. All proceeds from Concord Farmers Market help the Rotary Club of Concord support Local, National and International Projects and Charities.
The Concord Farmers’ Market are held on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the Month (except January), at Cintra Park (car park) off Crane Street Concord.
Market trading is between 9.00am and 1.00pm.
We have spaces available for new stallholder to sell their primary produce.
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Five Senses Garden

The '5 Senses Garden' in Rhodes Park, Concord West was opened in 2019. The Rotary Club of Concord was please to be ablet to contribute to the development of this facility through the donation of $15,000 towards the development of the garden. The garden is a place for the entire community and an accessible space for all ages and abilities, incorporating food growing, nature play, bush tucker plants and a Sensory Garden.
The Garden provides programs and workshops that encourage healthy living and well being, they also provide activities for residential care facilities, schools, hospital programs and other not-for-profit organisations.
The Rotary Club of Concord was proud to be of assistance in the establishment of this wonderful space.
RYDA - Rotary Youth Driver Awareness

RYDA (through Road Safety Education) is a series of practical and powerful workshops that aim to change the way young people think about road safety. RYDA is designed for 16-18 year old students who are approaching that crucial time in their lives where they start to drive independently or are travelling as passengers of novice drivers.
The RYDA Program is held at Sydney Olympic Park, Homebush.
As a Community Partner, Rotary provides the RYDA Program with access to a vast volunteer support base and introduction to many community groups including schools and local business organisations.
Members of the Rotary Club of Concord play an important role at RYDA days by acting as guides for each of the student groups participating in the six program sessions. Club members provide organisational skills and long-term commitment to the Program as Day Manager at the Homebush RYDA venue.
Concord Rotary Facebook News
Our Facebook fills with up-to-date events, news, awards and many more.
Invite your friends to like us or follow us on Facebook
Our Facebook Community has reached up to 130 members and we are continue to work hard to provide humanitarian service to help build goodwill and peace in the world.
Additional Activities our club is involved in
Local Community
Concord Hospital = We support patient transport with a patient transport vehicle.
Bayview Park Concord - A joint project with the City of Canada Bay to undertake a major upgrade of the playground.
Meals on Wheels - We support Meals on Wheels within the City of Canada Bay council area.
Canada Bay Museum - A social history museum containing over a 1000 items from the late 1800s to the present.
Involvement with McDonald College and Homebush Boys High School via youth programs (see below).
Rotary Youth Exchange - We annually host an inbound student from overseas and sponsor an outbound student to experience life in another culture for a year.
RYPEN - We annually sponsor students to attend the Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment program
RYLA - Each year we sponsor students to attend the Rotary Youth Leadership Award Program
PACE - Pacific Cultural Exchange
NYSF - Each year we sponsor students who express an interest in attending the National Youth Science Forum
Shelter Box - Disaster relief through survival kits for 10 people which are airlifted into stricken areas
Polio Plus - End Polio Now - The eradication of polio throughout the world