Rotary Youth Driving Awareness (RYDA) is starting up again for 2020 and Judy Love is after volunteers. The duties are far from onerous and indeed a reasonably easy day of Rotary fellowship is usually enjoyed along the way. So, if you have the time and you would like to join in, see Mrs Love for available dates.
On the other hand, if you are new to Rotary and are unsure what RYDA is all about...
Road Safety Education Limited (RSE) is a not-for-profit organisation committed to providing evidence-based road safety education that supports the development of a road safety culture across the generations.
At the heart of the program lies RYDA - a school partnership which supports teachers on the journey as they provide their students' with the tools and the understanding they need to see themselves as active, responsible road citizens. RYDA features a highly engaging and memorable one-day workshop which front-loads students' understanding of road safety and give them the tools habits and motivation to take action and stay safe on our roads as both drivers and passengers throughout their lives.
The simple role undertaken by Rotary on these days is to ensure that the student groups are ushered on time to each of the six sessions during the day. It's as easy as that!