As September and Springtime arrived we turned our attention to Basic Education and Literacy. This month we had wonderfully informative talks from John Walters of the Rotary Club of Engadine about the See It, Say It, Share It immersive and icon reading & literacy project and are in talks with the other Rotary Clubs that meet on Wangal land in the Eora Nation to have a Wangal story produced in this format for the children of our communities and further afield. In addition Jenny-Lee Scharnboeck from Take 3 for the Sea spoke to us about plastic pollution and the importance of removing and preventing plastic from entering the sea and our environment. Also joining us were Jackie MacCullagh and Linda Connor from the Concord Emergency Department Sustenance Team and our own Peter Dowley who spoke to us about how to keep ourselves and our accounts safe when interacting with the virtual world. If you missed any of these presentations follow the links above to view the video recording of each presentation. I will provide updated links as the videos become available or you can check out our Speakers Presentations page in News & Updates.
One of the wonderful things about literacy and being able to read is the many places, experiences and things that can be learned. Even more than that reading and sharing stories unites people and friends through a shared experience. In addition to supporting the See It, Say It, Share It project I am encouraging anyone who enjoys a good story to join me in supporting Shelterbox in a new way by joining their book club.
Plastic Fact: Over 1 million plastic bottles are purchased every minute around the world. Single-use plastic water bottles are a major source of pollution, clog landfills and require large amounts of energy and water to make and transport.
Solution: Refuse plastic bottles and seek reusable alternatives. Don’t drink bottled water, instead purchase a quality reusable drink bottle and source healthy drinking water from the tap or bulk sources. Every single-use bottle you refuse is a positive move for the planet. Take 3 for the Sea