And before we knew it August was upon us and despite the persistence of COVID-19 and the worrying thought of it lurking wildly in places unknown in the community we continue on as best we can, maintaining social distancing, looking out for each other and keeping our Market customers and each other safe.
August is Membership and New Club development month within Rotary. In line with that we will be holding a Club Assembly on 24th August to discuss members interests and ideas for the coming month and to prepare for a visit from District Governor Warwick Richardson. Our club has a very busy schedule ahead with our second Market of the month coming up this weekend as well as having a number of speakers joining us at our Monday night meetings. Please refer to our Speakers Schedule for more information.
We also have a club picnic scheduled for 30th August at another one of our beautiful local parks so keep an eye on our calendar for more details and remember to Take 3 for the Sea!
Plastic Fact: Over 8.3 billion tonnes of plastic has been made since its mass production began in the 1950s. Only 9% of this plastic has been recycled, the other 91% sits in landfill, floats in our oceans or has been burned.