Dear Members, Families, Honorary Members and Friends of Rotary,
I want to thank all of you for joining our weekly online meetings. It is so important that we check in with each other and know we're doing okay despite the challenges this pandemic has caused many of you. I understand many of you have had impacts on investments, superannuation, jobs and family members being impacted as well. Please reach out to us and we can talk through with you how we can help you if you are experiencing challenges. Thank you to those of you who have reached out and we have tried to find solutions that work best in your situation.
Though we couldn't celebrate ANZAC day outdoors, it was amazing how the Rotary Club of Sydney and the TV stations provided touching tributes and ceremonies on the day. Thank you also to David Brown for a moving and most appropriate ANZAC Day newsletter.
It is really pleasing to see Phil McCarthy recovering well from his back surgery. It is also great to hear thus far, all of you and your family members are well and doing okay in isolation, making the best of a challenging situation.
Fantastic to know the Farmers' Market will be re-opening on Sunday, 17th May. A huge thank you to Helen, Peter Rogers and all the others who have been working really hard behind the scenes to ensure when the markets re-open they are as safe for helpers and market goers as possible. Your hard work has been greatly appreciated.
We are very proud to announce that our OUTREDS bursary has been awarded to Marika Forsstrom from Quirindi. We wish Marika all of the very best in her nursing degree studies and we look forward to hearing all about her progress. This grant is truly living out our theme of Rotary Connecting the World as it is a partnership between Rotary Clubs of Concord, Quirindi, District 9675 and friends of Rotary who generously contributed to our fundraising efforts.
COVID-19 has truly changed our world and I encourage you all to keep in contact, stay connected and keep healthy. Thankfully, it looks like restrictions will slowly be lifting and hopefully from the end of July things will be returning almost back to normal.
I wish all the Mothers, Forster Mothers and Grandmothers out there a most amazing Mothers' Day.