Clean water, sanitation and hygiene education are basic necessities for a healthy environment and a productive life.
When people have access to clean water and sanitation, waterborne diseases decrease, children stay healthier and attend school more regularly and mothers can spend less time carrying water and more time helping their families.
Clean water, sanitation and hygiene education are basic necessities for a healthy environment and a productive life.
When people have access to clean water and sanitation, waterborne diseases decrease, children stay healthier and attend school more regularly and mothers can spend less time carrying water and more time helping their families.
How Rotary makes it happen
Through water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) programs, Rotary's people of action mobilse resources, form partnerships and invest in infrastructure and training the yields long-term change.
The Rotary Foundation is changing the world by providing grants for projects and activities around the globe and in our own backyard.
Rotary-USAID Partnership: Rotary has partnered with the United States Agency for International Development in Ghana, Madagascar and Uganda to implement sustainable, long-term programs to improve water supplies, sanitation and hygiene.
WASH in Schools Target Challenge: Rotary has challenged its members to develop sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene education projects in five countries: Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, India and Kenya.
WASH projects: Since 2013, The Rotary Foundation has invested in more than 1,000 WASH projects in more than 100 countries. Through grants from The Rotary Foundation and fundraising by Rotary clubs, our volunteers have supported water purification, hygiene, education, latrine construction and waste management.
During March, Rotary Water and Sanitation Month, Rotary is celebrating its commitment to create healthier communities by supplying clean water and sanitation facilities to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
All of this fits extremely well with two of our projects which were instigated over the past six months.
Firstly our support by way of a $2,500 donation following the strong magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck Seram Island in Maluku, Indonesia, near the provincial capital of Ambon which resulted in the purchase of around 100 water treatments systems which were not only invaluable at the time but will be a much needed asset will into the future.
Secondly, our involvement with the Rotary Club of Box Hill Central creating school toiled and sanitation blocks in schools in Nasik India which will be finalised this year.
Finally a few statistics...
$24 - is all it takes to provide one person with safe water.
23 million people now have safe water because of Rotary.
21 million people have access to sanitation and hygiene thanks to Rotary projects.
2030 is the year Rotary hops to finish providing everyone with safe water, sanitation and hygiene.