I represented our Club at a weekly HBHS Interact Club meeting on 27th February led by Dane Perrott (A regular supporter of the Concord Farmers’ Markets pack up team) and in the presence of School Patron Mrs G. Anton and Interact Club Patron of Strathfield Rotary Club, Rotarian Rod McDougall.

The purpose of my visit was twofold:
- Offer thanks and appreciation on behalf of Concord Rotarians to those Interact Club team members who assist in the setting up and/or packing up the Concord Markets on the first Sunday of each month. I further challenged the executive members of the Interact Club to consider assisting the Markets operation in a similar future manner of the third Sunday of the month with another team of supporters.
- To present the awardee Interact members, Michael and Arvind, the inaugural recipients of the Peter Smith Memorial Scholarship cheques and citations for the 2022 calendar year. (Our Club has committed to honouring this $500 Memorial Scholarship for a further four years).
The School Patron drew the attention of the members present, who comprised Years 7-12 students of the fact that community volunteering noted in one’s CV can stand the recipient in future very good stead. It was further suggested that those present encourage members of the HBHS SRC (Student Representative Council) greater awareness of the opportunities available for service at the Concord Farmers’ Markets.
President Allan Petersen (2022 - 2023)
President Allan Petersen (2022 - 2023)

Michael (left) and Arvind (right) being awarded, by President Allan Petersen, the Peter Smith Memorial Scholarship cheques and citations for the 2022