"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night etc. etc..."
After much discussion and a lot more planning our markets will once more grace the bitumen of Cintra Park from next Sunday, 17th May 2020.
All we need now are shoppers. So … tell all your friends and acquaintances and ask them to spread the word also.
The Market committee has a Management Plan - Peter Dowley (P5) has been working overtime on the specifics and definitely deserves a medal - to cope with the present restrictions, Helen Mc. and Peter Rogers (P?) have amassed 18 stall holders with a few more possibilities and we seem to have quite enough young and (youngish) workers to execute the plan on the day and as far as I can see, the weather will be accommodating.
At the time of writing, our Egg and Bacon stall is at the stage of "yes we can" (Richard Bell) and "maybe we should wait 'til the second market" (others) but as I understand it if Richard can find two helpers (money and orders) it will probably be a goer! I'll let you know after the market.
We need the markets and the community needs them as well.